Vibhu Academy Devalaya Course – What will you learn?

Namaste. Take this teaser quiz. This gives you a glimpse of the topics that you will learn in this course. Don’t worry about the score. You will hit 100% at the end of the course.

This is not the only quiz. For each lesson, we will share a quiz with you. It will help you recap the key concepts. Each question will come with a short explanation. It will serve as a summary of the learning.

Deho Devalayah Proktaha refers to

How many Jyotirlingas are there?

Jain temples typically have a first storey to denote?

Looking from top down which are the shapes you are likely to see in a Shiva Linga

What is the etymological meaning of the word Vigraha?

What is the original structure from which temples are believed to have evolved?

Which among these is the most crucial difference between puja at home and puja in a temple?

Which dynasty initiated the style of building tall Rajagopurams

Which is one of the first temples to be destroyed by invaders?

Which site is an example of co existence of different religions in India

Which site is called the cradle of Indian temples

Why are temples called Rathas

Why is a Stupa called Dhatu Garba

The Brahadeeswara temple of Thanjavur is more than 200 feet in height. What is the depth of its foundation?

What differentiates the Nagara, Dravida and Vesara styles

What does the term Purohita mean?

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