Footsteps of Rama 3

Picture Credit – The legendary Maniam Selvan

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One of the most ancient geological features of India is connected to the journey of Lord Rama. Which among these features is it?

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Rambodha is a temple in Sri Lanka connected with the Ramayana Itihaasa. Which event is it connected to?

3 / 15

There is a temple in a place called Nandigram just outside Ayodhya. This is different from the Nandigram of West Bengal. What is it famous for?

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Kardiguda is a village near Hubli in Karnataka. It has a cave that has been closed up by a concrete structure because villagers fear that whoever ventured into it died. How is this connected to Ramayana?

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In which city would you find the pond Banganga, a pond which is supposed to have been created by Rama by shooting an arrow into the earth?

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Dunuwila is a location in Sri Lanka connected with the Ramayana itihaasa. What is the event that it is associated with?

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Which place is considered as the birthplace of Ravana?

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The Muneeswaran temple in Colombo has a special place in Ramayana. Which event is associated with this place?

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The Kodanda Rama temple in Hampi has an unusual sculpture of someone praying to Rama, Lakshmana and Sita. Who is this?

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Dasaratha conducted the putrakameshti Yaga to beget children. A very unlikely location is believed to be the location where he conducted the Yaga. Which location is this?

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When it was time to leave the earth, Lord Rama walked into Sarayu and disappeared. Which location on Sarayu/ Ayodhya did he disappear from?

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There are five holy lakes in Hinduism. One of them is linked to Ramayana. Which one is it?

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Where would you find a Hanuman Temple in which Hanumanji lives as a protector of Lord Rama

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Dr Ambedkar started his fight for temple entry for scheduled castes by entering this temple. Which temple is this?

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One of the famous sites of Rama’s journey is also known for hosting an Ashokan edict. Which site is this?

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